Monday, July 15, 2024

Puppy Rough Draft Done's been a while! I've been busy, but clearly not with blogging. 

What's brought me back to my poor little neglected blog? I've finished writing another book. This book is different in many ways. The biggest news is that it isn't set in the same world as my other six novels. Why did I change worlds? This book simply required different world-building in order for it to work. The magic system, geography, and cultures all had to change. 

Another big change is that this book is a grimdark fantasy. And I've definitely embraced the grim and the dark. I pretty much decided that whenever my character faced a situation, I'd choose the worst outcome possible. This wasn't very kind to my protagonist, but did make for a good grimdark novel. 

The rough draft of the cover by Dallas Williams.

Where am I right now? The novel is finished, and I've sent out nine manuscripts to my beta readers. Two have been returned so far.

I had a great day editing today. It took five hours, but I worked through all of Shelley Uthgenannt's edits on my "Puppy" manuscript. Shelley is my editor/proofreader and does a fantastic job with my books. She's worked on all of my books except for Eternal Knight.

Bob Sulentic finished his beta read the day after I gave it to him (this was a couple of weeks ago). It's always a good sign when someone reads your book in one day! He made some excellent catches and provided some great feedback.

The manuscript improves with each beta. I don't need all nine of them to publish, but the more, the merrier.

I still have several steps to go:

1) More beta reads and edits.
2) A title! (Yeah, I don't have a title yet.)
3) The final version of the cover.

Publication date? Sometime this fall.